I decided to choose the Precedence and Philosophy side of the project, as with prior knowledge of the house, I knew this would be my strongest point, as within the group, I not only let myself down, but the group as a whole
After reading several books, and watching various videos on the House and the Prairie style, I drafted up a rough presentation on power point for the dry run session that was held to prepare us for an official review.
Basic outline of the house, who and what it was for and served, the ideas behind the design.
this was animated with flying text and images.
It was great practise for what would be an informal marked review in a few weeks time
The feedback I received was that I had too much text on each slide, that the various type faces looked a mess and that some history of the build was irrelevant.
Anatomy Model : Robie House
There was a choice, to create a spacial model, or a structural model.
We opted to show the structure, as our house was one of the oldest house examples, and one of the largest also :(
It was part of the Prairie House style of architecture, and is a key example of the style, even down to the Flat long bricks. The structure of the building was new at the time, so this was appropriate to show the structure.
After printing out several floor plans, and patching them all together, we decided on a 1:50 scale
We also decided to construct the model out of Card, Foam board and Wood (Bolsa and Ply)
We opted to show the structure, as our house was one of the oldest house examples, and one of the largest also :(
It was part of the Prairie House style of architecture, and is a key example of the style, even down to the Flat long bricks. The structure of the building was new at the time, so this was appropriate to show the structure.
After printing out several floor plans, and patching them all together, we decided on a 1:50 scale
We also decided to construct the model out of Card, Foam board and Wood (Bolsa and Ply)
Monday, 20 September 2010

Anatomy Project
After Freshers week was out of the way, and everyone had a Libary introduction, and settled into using the local intranet (Blackboard)
Our first Project was introduced.
We were placed into different groups, and given a Lecturer to guide us. We then then split into groups of 5, in order to work together on a project.
This was a great way of meeting new people, and to put a name to a face. I t was also an ice breaker, to then talk to other groups and confer ideas to each other.
Our first Project was to study a house that was given to our group. Our house to study was the Robie House by Frank Lloyd Wright.
As there was five people in each group, we had to each choose a subject area, from the following
Our first Project was introduced.
We were placed into different groups, and given a Lecturer to guide us. We then then split into groups of 5, in order to work together on a project.
This was a great way of meeting new people, and to put a name to a face. I t was also an ice breaker, to then talk to other groups and confer ideas to each other.
Our first Project was to study a house that was given to our group. Our house to study was the Robie House by Frank Lloyd Wright.
As there was five people in each group, we had to each choose a subject area, from the following
- History, Precedence and Philosophy
- Sight Orientation and Light
- Structure and Fabrication
- Plan Typology and Spacial Hierarchy
- Form and composition
We then had to create a model of the House and create a presentation.
The presentation was a Power point presentation, and was held in the Design studios in front of our Tutor group, our Lecturer and another lecturer that we met on the day.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010

First day
6th September has finally came
The start of a new chapter. I arrived early to see exactly where I was going and what was happening.
As some of my college friends, are attending the same Art and Design School, we arranged to meet outside the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool, right opposite the new Art and Design academy.
Sitting in the crowded auditorium, it felt like the first day at school again, not knowing anyone, a new building, new faces, new teachers and a sense of nerves and excitement.
A brief introduction and welcome to the school, by the head of department was held before breaking off into various subject areas.
An awful lot of us were Architecture students (74 in fact)
Again, this too was like school, leaving friends to go into a new class. When I arrived into our studio, there was just a sea of faces, and complete silence, friendly glances and confusion of what happens next?
As an Ice breaker, our lecturer asked if anyone was from Liverpool, then asked if anyone supported Everton, after having only 4 last year. I immediately put my hand up, hoping to see other proud supporters, I glanced around, and there was none, I was on my own :(
My Lecturer asked me my name, and whispered FAIL, lol, everyone laughed :)
I had made an impression from the start, and plus everyone knew my name, hahaha, trust me :)
The start of a new chapter. I arrived early to see exactly where I was going and what was happening.
As some of my college friends, are attending the same Art and Design School, we arranged to meet outside the Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool, right opposite the new Art and Design academy.
Sitting in the crowded auditorium, it felt like the first day at school again, not knowing anyone, a new building, new faces, new teachers and a sense of nerves and excitement.
A brief introduction and welcome to the school, by the head of department was held before breaking off into various subject areas.
An awful lot of us were Architecture students (74 in fact)
Again, this too was like school, leaving friends to go into a new class. When I arrived into our studio, there was just a sea of faces, and complete silence, friendly glances and confusion of what happens next?
As an Ice breaker, our lecturer asked if anyone was from Liverpool, then asked if anyone supported Everton, after having only 4 last year. I immediately put my hand up, hoping to see other proud supporters, I glanced around, and there was none, I was on my own :(
My Lecturer asked me my name, and whispered FAIL, lol, everyone laughed :)
I had made an impression from the start, and plus everyone knew my name, hahaha, trust me :)
Monday, 6 September 2010

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