Technical Drawing Plan

Today we had to copy a plan that an older student had produced, in the same scale and same symbols that were present

This turned out to be a complex task, although we could have just traced this plan, and passed it off as our own, we would not have gained anything.

the part that was particularly difficult, was the curve in the centre. Once you had the basic outline and the two centre circles, the hard part was to get the curve accurate, which I failed to do :(

Here is my attempt, and the mistakes come flying out, but I do plan to redo this task again at home from scratch, as I have now learnt how to accurately pinpoint certain key lines, to build the curve and also surrounding lines, but I'm happy to a certain extent with the progress made today, in terms of learning how to measure and use my set square properly, also accurate use of a compass.

A special Place

Our new project, titled 'A Special Place' is a chance for us to create our own Architecture, and a chance to think about a purpose, location, scale, design of a build, whilst highlighting key aspects of Architecture.

Our starting point is to make a 9x9x9 Metre Cube in the scale of 1:50

the idea of this cube is to be able to be broken down or altered from a cube, into various ideas and designs prospects

The quality of the cube does not matter, as it's supposed to be rough and ready, as it's a working model.

My friend was constructing his from coffee stirrers from the Cafe, and at first I did not like to take a huge amount of stirrers away, but once seeing others taking them, and when we asked if we could, they turned out to be the best material for the job

Easily stuck together with UHU Glue, and acted like Bolsa would do, although I did not bother to cut the ends, and this model will be dismantled

Google Sketch CAD

As I have displayed previously, I have been using Google Sketch now for two years now, and I would say I know how to do most things and what tools are right for what

However, with the CAD lessons in University, taking place, the basics are explained once again. I'm not the only one that is efficient in this field, there are many others. However when explained, there are certain elements that I did not know about

Like how to draw an accurate grid ( 9x9x9) or how to simply scale a line to a particular measurement, without judging.

or how to accurately place and create several floors. This would have been handy and would have developed my work a lot more last year :(

The same process can be applied to stairs, columns, beams, walls e.t.c
Again this would have been such a great skill to have last year, but this is all part of learning :(

Technical Drawing Task 2

After the unit task, we were then given a task to draw various sections of an elevation with basic ramps.

This was to practise scale and visualisation of space

also this developed using a grid, and variations in height

Above is the basic plan that we had to grid out and draw the opposite sides, as seen the guidelines are shown in metres, we had to scale this and use a grid to accurately show elevations

As seen above, the outcome shows the original in centre then the visualised sides surrounding, this was a challenge as you had to work out if one side had a number of ramps or one and what obstructed what, but everyone ended up with the correct outcome

Technical Drawing

Our review turned out to be a success, every group was praised for the improvement made, since the last presentation, and this was due to a lecture held by Glenn Wrigley, on presentation techniques and how to present and address to the audience properly.

At the time though I thought our presentation, went terrible. It was meant to take 15 minutes to present and then another 10 - 15 minutes for the tutors to give feedback. Ours took 1hr and 10 minutes

But our results have come back and I scored A, B+, B  for group effort, dedication and presentation/knowledge, which of course am very pleased with but also quite shocked :)

After several weeks of buying and collecting items for technical drawing, we finally started classes.

Above is the first exercise set.
it was to draw a scale drawing of a shelving unit within the studio on a 1:5 scale, this was in addition to a section and plan of the unit also. This was after drawing basic squares and circles, to become familiar with the tools we have.

We then inked this in using special technical rotring technical pens

Revised Presentation

After another week to fully put together our presentation (another criticism)

we finally had a uniformed presentation, that looked like we had worked as a group and not placed the slides together on the morning, before presenting.

 With the help of two lads from our group Dimitris Antoniou and Brandon McKeown, our presentaion was ready to present

Above is my section, that I talked through and used more than three slides, I laid everything out clearly, and used the animation tools to show this. This proved to be successful and was a major improvement to last time.

In addition to the newly refined presentation, Dimitris Antoniou, took the model home and greatly improved it. He also built the staircase and rebuilt all of the columns and beams :)

Precedence and Philosophy

I decided to choose the Precedence and Philosophy side of the project, as with prior knowledge of the house, I knew this would be my strongest point, as within the group, I not only let myself down, but the group as a whole

After reading several books, and watching various videos on the House and the Prairie style, I drafted up a rough presentation on power point for the dry run session that was held to prepare us for an official review.

Basic outline of the house, who and what it was for and served, the ideas behind the design.

this was animated with flying text and images.

It was great practise for what would be an informal marked review in a few weeks time

The feedback I received was that I had too much text on each slide, that the various type faces looked a mess and that some history of the build was irrelevant.